Medical Biases
Medical biases are “Cognitive Errors” in our reasoning that can lead to mistakes. Learn about these biases and ways to limit them in your cases.
Medical Mistakes
We will ALL make mistakes. As a medical community we need to change both the culture, and our approach, for addressing medical mistakes.
Decision Fatigue
Decision Fatigue is the decreasing quality of decisions as the number of decisions increases. This is a common, insidious and rampant problem in the veterinary field, especially for new grads.
Contract Review
Getting a new job is exciting, but that doesn’t mean you should skip the important step of reading through your contract and making sure you are signing up for the job you think you are!
Profitable Staff Value Themselves
In today’s veterinary industry so many clinics, most often unintentionally, make their staff feel used and abused. However, clinics can increase both their bottom line, and the mental health of their staff, by making them feel valuable instead!
Septic Shock for Dummies
Septic Shock is a scary, difficult, and often overwhelming condition. This webinar simplifies recognition and treatment of septic shock.